Ms Le Pen has met few top foreign officials since taking control of the FN in 2011. Beirut // France's far-right leader and presidential candidate Marine Le Pen on Monday met for the first time with a foreign head of state, holding talks in Beirut with Lebanon's president Michel Aoun. Ms Le Pen also met Lebanese prime minister Saad Hariri, a Sunni Muslim, who cautioned against associating his religion with the terrorist attacks of the extremists who have repeatedly targeted France. Shunned by European leaders over her party's stance on immigration and anti-EU message, Mr Le Pen's meeting with Mr Aoun aims to boost her international credibility. On Tuesday, Ms Le Pen is to meet Lebanon's grand mufti, the leader of its Sunni community, the Maronite Christian patriarch and rightist Christian party leader Samir Geagea.
according to "Le Pen is benefiting from the fact that they're all busy either bickering or unable to disentangle themselves from their many controversies." A separate Harris poll showed that Le Pen is considered best placed to deal with security issues. Le Pen is in Lebanon where she met President Michel Aoun Monday, and Hamon was in Portugal over the weekend. OpinionWay showed Macron would defeat Le Pen by 58 percent to 42 percent in the second round. Marine Le Pen gained ground on her rivals for the French election as she benefits from concerns about security while other candidates trained their fire on independent front-runner Emmanuel Macron. While no surveys so far have shown Le Pen even close to a victory in May's run-off, she's quickly narrowing the gap to her rivals.

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French far-right candidate Le Pen calls Assad solution to Syria crisis ‹ Japan Today: Japan News and Discussion
The trip represents the first major foray into foreign policy for Le Pen, a leading candidate in France's April 23 and May 7 election. During her two-day visit, Le Pen was also to meet the Christian Maronite patriarch. In the fractious politics of Lebanon, President Michel Aoun, whom Le Pen also met, supports Assad and the Iranian-backed Hezbollah working to bolster him. Le Pen has worked to clean up the racist and anti-Semitic image of her party. "The only goal is to try to upset her campaign."Le Pen's pay is to be docked so the EU can recover 340,000 euros it says it is owed — which Le Pen denies.
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