REFILE-FOREX-Dollar bounces as trade war fears fade
Investors have saved an eye out for any wider fallout from aSino-U.S. trade dispute, after Beijing on Wednesday proposedtariffs on unite states imports involving soybeans, planes, cars, beefand chemicals*:nL4N1RH18A. "A trade war probably this day be the number 1 danger for investorsafter China's retaliation to unite states tariffs, however it going to have toheat up to spill over into the currency arena," told VirajPatel, a currency strategist at ING in London. "FX markets have taken on the role of a casual observer ... changes in universal FX volatility have been Beautiful much in linewith historical averages." The $ was 0.3 % higher at 107.07 yenJPY= ,having pulled higher from a low of 105.99 determine the Former day. The situation Information Systems continue extremely fluid, andcurrencies, such as dollar/yen, going to remember hostage to each Turn around inequities," told Junichi Ishikawa, senior FX strategist at IGSecurities in Tokyo.
FOREX-Dollar inches up compare ¥ on wishes trade war could be averted, America job information awaited
as informed in The greenback was 0.15 % higher at 106.930 yenJPY= ,having pulled higher from a low of 105.990 determine the Former day. But a comeback with unite states equities helped the $ bounce, astrade war worries calmed somewhat after President DonaldTrump's economic adviser Larry Kudlow told the administrationwas in "negotiation" with China, & not engaged in a trade war.*:nL4N1RH18AThe $ expanded gains as equities in the zone followedWall Street's lead, with Japan's Nikkei .N225 hight almost 2percent. Against the Swiss currency, another perceived secure havenalong with the yen, the $ was tiny changed at 0.9609francCHF= after hight 0.2 % overnight. The Australian $ initially expanded the Former day'ssurge, the time it was raised with better-than-expected domesticretail discounds data, to reach a nine-day high of $0.7726AUD=D4 before losing more collected by :John Locas
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